North Korean Missle Crisis

Just earlier this week the area surronding South Korea experienced a magnitude 5 earthquake. Whether this earthquake was natural or not was not under question until the Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jung Un, declared that it was a successful Hydrogen Bomb test. 

This statement sent panic throughout the entire world and even in some of the allies of the state such as China. The man and country that had become internet memes related to nuclear weapons may have done what the world saw impossible.  

Experts are highly speculative of Kim’s statement related to the hydrogen bomb, and dispute his claim because the magnitude of the earthquake was way too low. Not only that but the technology to produce such a weapon is believed to surpass the ability of NK. It is much more likely that it was a “normal” uranium related nuclear weapon. 

Regardless, the whole incident could have just been a natural earthquake and Kim is using it to his advatage. If it was a nuke even non-hydrogen then the ability that NK has as a world power has just risen greatly. The effect of a nuclear weapon on the near capital of Seoul or even part of the United States would be catastrophic.

Now South Korea has resumed blasting K-pop music with speakers towards Pyongyang. I disagree with the tactics of SK in this heated time. It will be interesting to see what will come out of this if anything.